Friday, September 5, 2008

Organizational Change Network - Favorite OCM Books

Here are the favorite OCM books submitted by several members of the Organizational Change Network (OCN) Discussion Board (listed in no particular order):

1. The Heart of Change – John Kotter & Dan Cohen
2. Organizational Transitions: Managing Complex Change - Beckhard & Harris
3. The Dance of Change: The Challenges of Sustaining Momentum in Learning Organizations – Peter Senge et al
4. Leadership on the Line - Ron Heifetz & Marvin Minsky
5. Discontinuous Change - David Nadler, Robert Shaw, & Elise Walton
6. Action Inquiry: The Secret of Timely and Transforming Leadership - Bill Torbert & Associates
7. Five Frogs on a Log - Feldman & Spratt
8. Making Sense of Change Management - Cameron & Green
9. Change Management - Hiatt & Creasey
10. Changing Gears - The Strategic Implementation of Technology - James Carlopio
11. The Fifth Discipline – Peter Senge
12. The Empty Raincoat: Making Sense of the Future – Charles Handy
13. Sex, Leadership and Rock'n'Roll - Peter Cook
14. Managing at the Speed of Change - Daryl Conner
15. Beyond the Wall of Resistance - Rick Maurer
16. Re-engineering – Hammer & Champy
17. Who Moved My Cheese – Spencer Johnson
18. Our Iceberg is Melting - John Kotter
19. Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron – Bethany McLean & Peter Elkind
20. Changing the Way We Change - Jeanenne LaMarsh
21. Leading Change - John Kotter
22. The Path of Least Resistance for Managers - Robert Fritz
23. Organization Development & Change (8th edition) - Cummings & Worly
24. Learning to Change. A Guide for Organization Change Agents - Caluwé L. de & H. Vermaak
25. Images of Organization - Gareth Morgan

Posted by: Jim Markowsky, X-Factor Solutions
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